Mid Dorset Winter Darts League

 Winter Season 2024/25

Welcome to the 2024/25 winter season.

We have nine teams this year.

B20 (Drax Arms, Bere Regis), Con Club (Blandford)Drifters, Misfits (RBL, Blandford),

Hair of the Dog (The Greyhound, Blandford), Nelsons (Nelsons, Blandford),

Norfolk & Tossers (Colin's Club, Blandford), Powerhouse (Old Powerhouse, Bryanston), Smurfs (The Paddocks, Blandford)


Can Captains please put players surnames on the results card as it makes entering the results easier.


Weekly summary sheet >>>>>>>>

Pub Weekly Summary Sheet.ppt Pub Weekly Summary Sheet.ppt
Size : 278 Kb
Type : ppt



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